Twentysomething Impaled by Stiletto While Drunk

Imagine you're out at a bar having fun with your friends and then bam! Attack by stiletto.


Amanda Keisoglu, 26, was out at the New York Gansevoort hotel for her cousin's bachelorette party when a drunken Belgian stranger impaled her with her stiletto [via New York Post].
"I didn't know her whatsoever ... I felt my wrist get pulled, and it forced me to turn around," Keisoglu told the Post. "Then she kicked my inner thigh." This resulted in the gushing wound (seen below), which Keisoglu proceeded to "[sit] down and plug [the wound] with my finger."
The rogue Belgian was Marie Thys, a tourist who intended to fight the woman sitting next to Keisoglu. Reason: unclear. She was promptly arrested and charged with assault. Keisoglu has filed a $5 million lawsuit against Thys and the Gansevoort while she recovers.
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