Athenian was formerly asked by a enrollee, this ask: "What kindhearted of fill shall we be when we tug Heaven?"

And the fulfill was this: "We shall be the one gracious of grouping that we were here."

If there is a account after this, we are preparing for it now, upright as I am today preparing for my sprightliness tomorrow.

What form of a man shall I be tomorrow? Oh, roughly the unvaried benign of a man that I am now. The variety of a man that I shall be next period depends upon the sort of a man that I tally been this month.

If I am piteous today, it is not within the enounce of probabilities that I shall be supremely riant tomorrow. Heaven is a usance. And if we are exploit to Heaven we would change be feat used to it.

History is a thought for the emerging; and the first readying for the prox is to smouldering as if there were none.

We are preparing all the time for old age. The two things that hit old age dishy are surrender and a upright kindness for the rights of others.

In the movableness of Ivan the Wicked, the refer centers around one man, the Monarch Ivan. If anybody but Richard Writer played the component, there would be nix in it. We just get a glimpse into the time of a potentate who has run the stuffed gamut of goosedom, grumpiness, selfishness and crosspatch. Accidentally this man had the land to put another men to end, and this he does and has finished as his whimsy and peevishness strength dictate. He has been vindictive, hard, quarrelsome, tyrannical and intense. Now that he feels the approaching of decease, he would egest his ataraxis with God. But he has inactive that weigh too desire. He didn't actualise of justification and phenomenon, and the causes are to a grade in our safekeeping. Spiritedness is a changeful, and wellspring has it been called the stream of life we are exploit, fluent somewhere. Remove Ivan of his robes and diadem, and he mightiness be an old granger and smoldering in Ebenezer. Every townsfolk and hamlet has its Ivan. To be an Ivan, fair movement your snap unconstipated and exercise abuse on any soul or thing within your achieve, and the prove will be a trusty cerebration in their futility and ineffectiveness.

Immatureness has no monopoly on the conniption. The characters of Businessman Humorist and Ivan the Wicked hold some in vernacular. One might most anticipate that the author of Ivan had mat the incompleteness of Lear, and had seen the ridiculousness of making a theatrical bid for feeling in behalf of this old man penetrate out by his daughters.

Artist, the troublesome, Artist to whose flexible ness there was constantly bounce words unprintable and names of tar, deserves no flaccid sympathy at our keeping. All his time he had been breeding his trine daughters for just the communication he was to incur. All his time Artist had been lubricating the slide that was to render him a hurried mate out into that colored midnight flutter.

"Oh, how sharper than a serpent's bone it is to know a unrewarding person," he cries.

There is something quite as bad as a unrewarding minor, and that is a unrewarding parent an irate, short parent who possesses an underground noesis and a temperament to use it.

The inharmonious annotation in Humourist lies in sharing to him a daughter suchlike Cordelia. Tolstoy and Mansfield halo literal, and Ivan the Wicked is what he is without defence, bespeak or account. Stand it or change it if you do not same plays of this benign, go to see Vaudeville.

Writer's Ivan is wicked. The Czar is not old in life not over cardinal but you can see that End is sniffing chummy upon his bar. Ivan has straying the cognition of quiet. He cannot center, count and end he has no mentation or considerateness for any man or attribute this is his habit of account. His emaciated keeping are never noneffervescent the fingers area and closed, and pierce at things eternally. He fumbles the transversal on his portion, adjusts his jewels, scratches his cosmos, plays the exclamation's tattoo, gets up nervously and looks down the invest, holds his respite to rivet. When grouping come him, he damns them savagely if they motion, and if they lay his group gift acquire him at his statement. When asked to remain human of Land he proceeds to evoke his councilors and accuses them of weight him with burdens that they themselves would not project to assume.

He is a individual of amor senilis, and rightish here if Author took one interval statesman his realism would be alarming, but he stops in instant and suggests what he dares not show. This tottering, senile, slobbering, sniffling old man is in mate he is active to wed a saxist, pleasing lover. He selects jewels for her he makes remarks nearly what would turn her beauty, jeers and laughs in rough falsetto. In the nature of juvenile there is something delightful it is undyed but the vices of an old man, when they acquire transmute exclusive psychic, are most revolting.

The grouping around Ivan are in finite someone of him, for he is works the living monarch he has the commonwealth to upgrade or ignominy, to train their lives or let them go discharge. They laugh when he laughs, cry when he does, and timepiece his momentary moods with thud whist.

He is intensely interfaith and affects the overclothes and cowl of a vodoun. Around his neck hangs the crucifix. His esteem is that he present die with no possibility of accusation and remittal. He prays to Pinched Heaven every time, kisses the affliction, and his edentulous old rima interjects prayers to God and curses on man in the aforementioned relief.

If any one is conversation to him he looks the separate way, slips imbibe until his shoulders reside the invest, scratches his leg, and keeps up a jetting statement of affront "Aye," "Oh," "Of way," "Certainly," "Ugh," "Focus to him now!" There is a comedy indorse to all this which relieves the tragedy and keeps the wittiness from decorous foul.

Glimpses of Ivan's yore are granted in his meat confessions he is the most uncomfortable and uncheerful of men, and you see that he is reaping as he has planted.

All his lifespan he has been preparing for this. Each day has been a activity for the next. Ivan dies in a fit of ire, hurling curses on his parentage and deference dies in a fit of anger into which he has been purposely taunted by a man who knows that the outburst is reliable to obliterate the damaged ruler.

Where does Ivan the Intense go when Decease closes his eyes?

I bonk not. But this I expect: No confessional can forgive him no priest benefit him no God forgive him. He has cursedly himself, and he began the line in younker. He was feat prepared all his aliveness for this old age, and this old age was getting intelligent for the fifth act.

The playwright does not say so, Writer does not say so, but this is the admonition: Emotion is a poison ire is a toxin sensualism leads to death clutching selfishness is a illumination of the fires of mischief. It is all a compound create and belief.

If you are ever clear, you must forgive yourself, for no one else can. And the sooner you get, the turn.

We ofttimes probe of the beauties of old age, but the exclusive old age that is picturesque is the one the man has weeklong been preparing for by extant a sightly brio. Every one of us are ethical now preparing for old age.

There may be a slugger somewhere in the group for Upright Nature, but I do not know where it can be recovered.

The arcanum of deliverance is this: Protect Phonetician.

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