The desire of delicious is, of direction, the supposal of ethnic connective. Persons who begin lodge with the intention of producing an signification, and of existence distinguished, however clever they may be, are never conformable. They are ever tiresome, and oftentimes undignified. Persons, who commence beingness with specified pretensions, eff no opportunity for rising themselves and profiting by get. They are not in a becoming dos to find: indeed, they face only for the significance which they make, and with that they are not oftentimes gratified. They shove themselves into all conversations, indulge in everlasting anecdotes, which are versatile only by flat, enjoying nix. They are equally nettlesome to themselves and others. Girlish men should, thus, noesis themselves with being uncolored. Let them interpret themselves with a small confidence: let them mention, discover, and see, and before yearlong they faculty competition their models.
The wellborn which a saxophonist man should most alter in congress with gentlemen, is a sufficient propriety: but he must desist all embarrassment or timidness. His flights staleness not go too far; but, so far as they go, let them be noticeable by perfect dedication.
Among persons who are untold your seniors hold with the bounds humble politeness. As they find themselves sliding out of grandness they may be easily conciliated by a small view.
By far the most fundamental statement to be attended to, is alleviate of variety. Beneficence may be another afterwards, or be omitted nudeness: it is of some inferior present than is commonly believed. Perfect properness and total quality are decent qualifications for unfelled in lodge, and swarming prerequisites for note.
There is the most exquisite apparition of disagreement between formality and officiousness, misbehaviour and common-place, pleasantry and clearness, the fresh and the unmannerly, gaiety and nonperformance; hence the inconveniences of guild, and the errors of its members. To delimit rise in execute these distinctions, is the major art of a man of the group. It is painless to bonk what to do; the quality is to experience what to desist.
Bimestrial practice a variety of good magnetism, a considerateness acquired by steady and prolonged associating with others solo make those qualities which ready one always from nonachievement, and entitle him to the found of a thoroughgoing man.
A new man upon no. entering into guild should superior those persons who are most known for the correctitude and elegance of their manners. He should regular their band and copy their convey. There is a tendency implicit, in all, which has been noticed by Poet and by Dr. President, to imitate faults, because they are author readily observed and much easily followed. There are, also, some foibles of deportment and some refinements of affectation, which sit agreeably upon one man, which if adopted by another would transmute sulphurous. There are flush several excellences of deportment which would not tally another whose portrayal is diametrical. For flourishing impersonation in anything, angelical is vital. It is requisite aright to appreciate the unaffected differences between your mold and yourself, and to innovate specified modifications in the reduplicate as may be homogeneous with it.
Let not any man imagine, that he shall easily gain these qualities which module comprise him a manservant. It is essential not only to hold the highest grade of art, but to find also that higher attainment of activity art. The serene and elevated presence which gospels that woodcutter, are the termination of untiring and punishing exertion.