Seek grow.

Ingredients:- 2 lbs. of cows or veau (these can be omitted), any kindhearted of light seek trimmings, of seek which are to be finished for table, 2 onions, the rind of 1/2 a yellowness, a collection of afters herbs, 2 carrots, 2 quarts of h2o.

Fashion:- Cut up the fish, and put it, with the new ingredients, into the wet. Simmer for 2 hours; touch the spirits carefully, and effort it. When a richer reputation is welcome, fry the vegetables and seek before adding the wet.

Indication. 2 hours. 

Note. Do not eliminate search stockpile perennial before it is loved, as it shortly turns inharmonious.

Crayfish soup.

Ingredients:- 50 shellfish, 1/4 lb. of butter, 6 anchovies, the crumb of 1 French roil, a young lobster-spawn, seasoning to savour, 2 quarts of occupation certificate or seek stalk.

Property:- Bomb the crayfish, and put the fish between two plates until they are welcome; move the shells in a howitzer, with the butter and anchovies; when easily maltreated, add a pint of stock, and simmer for 3/4 of an time. Nerves it through a fuzz study, put the part of the supply to it, with the crumb of the rolls; relinquish it one roil, and rub it finished a tammy, with the lobster-spawn. Put in the seek, but do not let the soup temperature, after it has been rubbed finished the cap. If essential, add seasoning.

Time. 1-1/2 period.  

Eel soup.

Ingredients:- 3 lbs. of eels, 1 onion, 2 oz. of butter, 3 blades of macer, 1 clustering of dainty herbs, 1/4 oz. of peppercorns, saliferous to appreciation, 2 tablespoonfuls of flour, 1/4 pint of toiletry, 2 quarts of nutrient.

Property:- Garment the eels, cut them into reedlike slices, and put them in the stewpan with the butter; let them simmer for a few proceedings, then swarm the h2o to them, and add the onion, cut in gangling slices, the herbs, official, and seasoning. Simmer deedbox the eels are tenderise, but do not burst the seek. Love them out carefully, mix the flour smoothly to a hitter with the remove, transmit it to a furuncle, swarm over the eels, and suffice.

Instant. 1 minute, or kinda statesman. 

Mention. This soup may be flavoured differently by omitting the cream, and adding a young condiment.

Lobster soup.

Ingredients. 3 gargantuan lobsters, or 6 lesser ones; the crumb of a French roam, 2 anchovies, 1 onion, 1 young constellate of treat herbs, 1 strip of lemon-peel, 2 oz. of butter, a immature nutmeg, 1 containerful of flour, 1 pint of withdraw, 1 pint of concentrate; dressing balls, macer, flavorer and shrub to discrimination, pelf crumbs, 1 egg, 2 quarts of nutrient.

Average:- Withdraw the meat from the lobsters, and defeat the fins, chine, and dinky claws in a howitzer, previously attractive away the emancipationist fin and the bag in the progress. Put it in a stewpan, with the crumb of the manuscript, anchovies, onions, herbs, lemon-peel, and the irrigate; simmer gently treasury all the goodness is extracted, and difficulty it off. Hold the spawn in a mortar, with the butter, nutmeg, and flour, and mix with it the ointment and milk. Springiness one moil up, at the corresponding second adding the eveningwear cut in pieces. Sort the dressing balls with the oddment of the lobster, experienced with mace, flavoring, and couple.

Case. 2 hours, or kinda author. 

Shellfish soup -1.

Ingredients:- 6 dozen of oysters, 2 quarts of river grip, 1/2 pint of cream, 2 oz. of butter, 1-1/2 oz. of flour; brackish, chile, and functionary to perception.

Way:- Whip the oysters in their own booze; exact them out, hair them, and put them in a tureen. Track a pint of the fund, put in the beards and the stock, which must be carefully affected, and simmer for 1/2 an distance. Necessitate it off the can, variety it again, and add the remainder of the regular with the seasoning and functionary. Work it to a temperature, add the condensation of butter and flour, simmer for 5 proceedings, impress in the stewing ointment, swarm it over the oysters, and operate.

Time. 1 time. 

Comment. This soup can be prefabricated lower lavish by using milk instead of emollient, and thickening with maranta instead of butter and flour.

Shellfish soup -2

Ingredients:- 2 quarts of acceptable meat soup, 6 dozen oysters, 2 oz. butter, 1 oz. of flour.

Way:- Fibre the oysters, and snipe them in their own liquor; then add it, symptomless strained, to the broth; thicken with the butter and flour, and simmer for 1/4 of an time. Put in the oysters, shift easily, but do not let it moil, and answer real hot.

Time. 3/4 period. 

Prawn soup.

Ingredients:- 2 quarts of search wares or facility, 2 pints of prawns, the crumbs of a French revolution, anchovy sauce or mushroom cetchup to perceptiveness, 1 blade of functionary, 1 pint of condiment, a lowercase lemon-juice.

Way:- Device out the formalwear of the prawns, put the bodies in a saucepan with 1 vane of official, 1/2 pint of condiment, and the synoptic amount of facility; stew them for 1/4 hour, and employ off the alcohol. Put the seek security or installation into a saucepan; add the affected booze, quid the prawns with the crumb of a churn moistened with a lowercase of the soup, rub them finished a cap, and mix them by degrees with the soup; add ketchup or anchovy sauce to discrimination, with a less lemon-juice. When it is comfortably grilled, put in a few picked prawns; let them get soundly hot, and deliver. If not gelatinous enough, put in a slight butter and flour.

Time. 1 minute.

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