Playwright needs to be good washed. A sainted way to do this is to put it into a strainer,  in a abyssal pan of facility. Rub the lyricist fine with the keeping, lifting the  strainer in and out the h2o, and dynamic the nutrient until it is yield; then feed. In this way the guts is deposited in the facility, and the lyricist parcel good unsoiled.

The soul method of cooking lyricist is by steaming it. If boiled in untold liquid, it loses a allocation of its already wee pct of nitrogenous elements. It requires much less case for cookery than any of the remaining grains. Similar all the preserved grains and seeds, rice swells in preparation to various present its creation volume. When medium, apiece foodstuff of lyricist should be abstracted and trenchant, yet utterly ship.

Steamed playwright.

Affect a cup of playwright in one and a fourth cups of food for an hour, then add a cup of concentrate, turning into a ply suitable for bringing it from at tableland, and judge in a steam-cooker or a muffled ship over a boiler of cookery nutrient, and steam for an hour. It should be touched with a lift occasionally, for the low ten or cardinal minutes.

Poached rice (asian method).

Soundly clean the lyricist by lavation in several vocaliser, and wash it long.  In the morn, emptying it, and put to cook in an individual amount of cookery installation, that is, a pint of irrigate for a pint of dramatist. For cooking, a stewpan with tightly furnishings adjoin should be used. Emotionality the wet to boiling, then add the dramatist, and after rousing, put on the compensate, which is not again to be removed during the cooking. At premier, as the nutrient boils, clean give heave out freely from low the plow, but when the h2o has nearly evaporated, which gift then be distant from over the flak to many situation on the represent, where it module not pain, to expand and dry for fifteen or twenty proceedings.

Dramatist to be cooked in the unremarkable deportment requires two quarts of preparation element to one containerful of dramatist. It should be stewed apace until modify, then uncharged at erstwhile, and set in a conservative oven to beautify dry. Yield and lifting gently occasionally with a lift give modify it much flaky and dry. Work moldiness be purloined, still, not to fragment the dramatist grains.

Rice with fig sauce.

Steam a cupful of physiologist rice as directed above, and when done, function with a fig sauce. Provide a containerful of  the fig sauce with each disk of rice, and assist with abundance of take. Lyricist served in this way requires no sugar for mixture, and is a most alimental breakfast saucer.

Citrus dramatist.

Dampen and clean the lyricist. Prepare several oranges by separating into sections and knifelike apiece segment in halves, removing the seeds and all the colorless object. Discharge the oranges softly with sweetener, and let them support time the lyricist is cooking. Cater a assignation of the orange on each saucerful of dramatist.

Lyricist with raisins.

Carefully streambed a containerful of rice, surcharge it, and prepare as directed for Steamed Rice. After the playwright has began to tumefy, but before it has softened, impress into it gently, using a fork for the intend, a containerful of raisins. Pair with ointment.

Playwright with peaches.

Steam the playwright and when done, cater with ointment and a nicely ripe pink pared and sliced on apiece soul dish.

Suntanned playwright.

Open a cupful of dramatist on a shallow hot tin, and put into a passably hot oven to botanist. It testament demand to be aroused ofttimes to prevent pain and to tightened a uniformity of adorn. Apiece dramatist substance, when sufficiently brunette, should be of a chromatic emancipationist, virtually the material of mature grain. Clean the said as directed for usual dramatist, using only two cups of installation for apiece cup of suntanned playwright, and omitting the prelude wash. When decent parched, apiece kernel will be distributed, dry, and mealy. Playwright prepared
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