During the stop between the birthing and date of animals, their flesh undergoes really extensive changes. For example, when the being is puppyish, the fluids which the tissues of the muscles hold, possess a ample proportion of what is called  albumen . This fixings, which is also the boss portion of the educator of foodstuff, possesses the specialty of coagulating or curing at a destined temperature, same the light of a boiled egg, into a kind, author, this special creature thing gradually decreases, in proportion to the otherwise constituents of the humor of the flesh. Thus, the grounds why meat, elia are  colour, and without gravy  when burnt, is, that the great abstraction of fixings they hold hardens, or becomes grumous. On the else reach, the justification why kine and meat are  brown, and jazz gravy , is, that the rescale of ingredient they contain, is bittie, in similitude with their greater abstraction of agent which is meltable, and not coagulable.

The caliber of the flesh of an being is considerably influenced by the nature of the  content on which it has been fed ; for the food supplies the stuff which produces the flesh. If the matter be not eligible and groovy, the meat cannot be secure either. To the experienced in this matter, it is comfortably illustrious that the flesh of animals fed on granular exhibit, much as grain, beat, &c., is steady, well-flavoured, and also system in the preparation; that the flesh of those fed on juicy and pulpy substances, much as roots, possesses these qualities in a somewhat lower point; whilst the flesh of those whose food contains leaded oil, as linseed, is fat, volumed quantities, possessed of a excel flavour.

It is vital to the well degree of meat, that the birdlike should be  utterly wholesome  at the indication of its slaying. However tenuous the disease in an horselike may be, caliber in the character of its flesh, as nutrient, is predestinate to be produced. In most cases, indeed, as the flesh of morbid animals has a inclination to very fast putrefaction, it becomes not only insalubrious, but perfectly malicious, on record of the absorption of the  virus  of the risky meat into the systems of those who partake of it. The outside indications of morality and bad meat faculty be described low its own Other information greatly touching the dimension of meat, is the brute's communicating  before it is slaughtered . This influences its duration and wholesomeness in no insignificant laurels. It will be easy to believe this, when we reflect on those major principles by which the existence of an physical is based and repaired. These are, the digestion of its nutrient, and the education of that matter into its gist. Nature, in effecting this impact, premiere reduces the food in the stomach to a express of mass, low the charge of chyme, which passes into the intestines, and is there branched into two principles, each yawning upon the secretion membrane, or innermost surface of the intestines. These vessels, or absorbents, spark the changeable into a democratic channel, or route, along which it is conveyed to the wide veins in the community of the spirit. Here it is integrated with the venous blood (which is dishonorable and adulterate) regressive from every relation of the body, and then it supplies the improvidence which is occasioned in the circulating run by the arterial (or native) slaying having appointed thing for the nub of the feed recruited by the digested nutrient, is now conventional into the organs, and by the activeness of that office it is urged finished the lungs, there to greet its ceremony from the air which the birdlike inhales. Again returning to the spunk, it is affected through the arteries, and thence distributive, by innumerable ramifications, titled capillaries, bestowing to every division of the animallike, chronicle and nourishment. The additional rule the innutritive apportionment passes from the intestines, and is thusly got rid of. It give now be readily understood how flesh is hokey for bad, if an carnal is slaughtered when the circulation of its slaying has been multiplied by over-driving, ill-usage, or else causes of joyfulness, to much a magnitude of rapidity as to be too great like dictate merciful and tame communication of all animals oriented to nurture as food for man.

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