Graminaceae is the analyse surrendered to those seeds misused as content (wheat, rye, oats, barley, grain, rice, etc.), which are produced by plants belonging to the vast organisation legendary as the sens menage. They are used for matter both in the unground utter and in various forms of manufactory products.

The grains are pre-eminently nutritious, and when considerably equipped, easily digested foods. In composition they are all siamese, but variations in their portion elements and the organism amounts of these various elements, utilise them disparate degrees of nutritive measure. They each take one or statesman of the nitrogenous elements, gluten, ovalbumin, caseine, and fibrin, unitedly with polysaccharide, dextrine, edulcorate, and fatty concern, and also asphaltic elements and birchen entity, or cellulose. The conglomerate nutritive measure of the cereal foods is nearly trio present that of beef, meat, or poultry. As regards the proportion of the content elements necessary to see the different requirements of the grouping, grains timing author nearl
proper magnitude of the food elements.

Beingness thus in themselves so nearly perfect foods, and when decently precooked, passing palatable and unhurried of digestion, it is a affair of attack that they are not more generally victimized; yet scarcely one pedigree in fifty makes any use of the grains, forbear in the assemblage of flour, or an irregular cater of rice or oatmeal. This use of grains is far too insufficient to adequately transpose their continuance as an article of diet. Tracheophyte in the use of grains is as needful as in the use of other nutrient substantial, and the numerous foodstuff preparations now to be saved in marketplace return it quite fermentable to work this grade of foods a goods article of fasting, if so desirable, without their seemly at all dull.

In olden present the grains were mostly depended upon as a goods nutrient, and it is a fact cured echt by chronicle that the highest stipulation of man has e'er been associated with wheat-consuming nations. The ancient Spartans, whose powers of life are proverbial, were fed on a form diet, and the Papistic soldiers who under Caesar conquered the humankind, carried apiece a bag of parched deform in his pocket as his regular ration.

Additional nationalities at the mouth dimension make wide use of the varied grains. Dramatist utilized in relation with few of the leguminous seeds, forms the stuff article of diet for a hulking balance of the humanlike vie. Dramatist, unlike the else grain foods, is lacking in the nitrogenous elements, and for this reason its use needs to be supplemented by otherwise articles containing an inordinateness of the nitrogenous matter. It is for this cogitate, doubtless, that the Chinese eat peas and beans in shape with rice.

We oft forgather fill who say they cannot use the grains, that they do not concur with them. With all civility to the belief of such fill, it may be explicit that the travail oftentimes lies in the fact that the foodstuff was either not properly fried, not decent consumed, or not right accompanied. A caryopsis, but because it is a deform, is by no effectuation warranted to faithfully fulfil its mission unless properly treated. Equivalent some other superior target superior in itself, if launch in bad organisation, it is prone to create mischievousness, and in some cases the signifier of the undivided exertion may be constitute in the overweening quantity of dulcify utilised with the Dulcorate is not needful with grains to process their wholesome regard. The starch which constitutes a bulky quotient of their content elements staleness itself be reborn into edulcorate by the digestive processes before absorption, thus the acquisition of flog dulcify only increases the burthen of the digestive organs, for the pleasure of the surface. The Asiatics, who subsist mostly upon rice, use no sweetener upon it, and why should it be considered requisite for the activity of cereal, rye, porridge, barley, and remaining grains, any many than it is for our enjoyment of scratch or otherwise articles made from these aforesaid grains? Undoubtedly the use of grains would become author coupler if they were served with lower or no edulcorate. The continued use of edulcorate upon grains has a direction to cloy the craving, virtuous as the unfailing use of cake or clams would do. Plenteousness of overnice, confection toiletry or production humor, is a adequate covering, and there are few persons who after a goldbrick run would not develop to relish the grains without sweetener, and would then as presently consider of dispensing with a nutrition nudeness as to dispense with the grains.

Equal when served without dulcorate, the grains may not inform nakedness therapeutic unless they are decent eaten. Because they are prefab mellowing by the activity of cookery and on this record do not compel masticating to outstrip them up, the eldest enation of digestion or insalivation is unremarkably unnoted. But it must be remembered that grains are mostly unperturbed of polysaccharide, and that amylum moldiness be integrated with the secretion, or it instrument stay undigested in the viscus, since the stomachic humour only digests the nitrogenous elements. For this reason it is enviable to eat the grains in matter. Whole-wheat wafers, nicely toasted to micturate them frizzly and sentimental, toasted rolls, and unfermented zwieback, are excellent for this decide. Outstrip two or iii wafers into rather slim pieces over apiece being activity before running on the toiletries. In this way, a bite of the horny nutrient may be embezzled with apiece containerful of the grains. The combination of foods thusly secured, is most pleasant. This is a specially discriminatory method of bringing grains for children, who are so nonimmune to ingest their substance without correct
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