What makes a great employee? These Cosmopolitan editors have the answer! Get more career and life advice at Cosmo's Fun Fearless Life Weekend! Buy your ticket today at FunFearlessLife.com.
2. "If you don't know how to do something, figure it out." — Helin Jung, senior editor
3. "Always follow up with your boss before she needs to follow up with you. No one wants to chase their employees for status updates on things. Take initiative and proactively email her and keep her posted — you'll look organized and on top of things. She'll grow to trust you and give you more responsibility because of this." — Marta Topran, senior beauty editor
4. "What most bosses want is precision communication. Most people say, 'Oh, I'll finish that by end of day, or I'll get you that tomorrow.' A really good staffer knows the boss's schedule and says, 'I'll have that to you before your 3 p.m. meeting out of the office.' Or at least give a time you can hit. It shows that you look at the day as blocks of time that you're using efficiently rather than letting things slide and sounding vague." — Leslie Yazel, executive editor
5. "Provide your boss with regular updates of your work so she feels informed without having to check in constantly. This doesn't mean sending her a list of everything you did every day, but let her know the status of various projects and raise any small concerns before they become large concerns." — Lori Fradkin, executive features editor, Cosmopolitan.com
6. "Get to know her really well, both as a coworker and a person. Understanding her needs so you can meet them before she even asks you to is so wonderful and helpful. Knowing — and caring — about what's going on in her personal life in a real way makes your days go by a lot better and faster." — Alie Martell, managing editor, Cosmopolitan.com
7. "Treat the smallest assignments like they're huge projects. If you have to do boring research on some random topic, blow his or her mind with how comprehensive you are. Dominating the smallest tasks will show your boss you're capable of bigger things. It actually may be the only concrete way to show you're capable of bigger things." — Michelle Ruiz, senior editor
8. "Anticipate, anticipate, anticipate! Always be one step ahead of what your boss is going to ask you to do." — Alix Campbell, photography director
9. "If the copy machine is jammed, un-jam it, or be the first person who volunteers to make the call to have it fixed. Same goes for the coffee machine or water cooler. It's the little tasks that not only help out your boss but the entire office, thus making a more productive environment for everyone." — Katie Connor, deputy editor
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