10 Weird Jobs You Never Knew Existed

Seriously, people actually get paid to do this work.


You're checking out a gorgeous dress in the store window, when all of the sudden you swear you see the mannequin blink. You don't have to make an emergency call to your eye doctor—you're watching a live mannequin. These professionals are trained to do a whole lot of standing around. Generally small boutique shops hire live mannequins to interact with customers or simply alter their positions every once in a while, but sometimes they promote more than just fashion. Sony hired a group to promote its laptops at New York City's Fashion Week in 2009.
2. Lipstick Reader
/That sexy red hue on your lips can tell people a whole lot more than just your beauty preferences. Professional lipstick readers practice the interesting art of lipsology, which reviews the imprint left behind when one kisses a piece of paper and reveals the messages and predictions they see. (Learn more on lipsology.com, founded by Jilly Eddy, the author of Lipsology: The Art & Science of Reading Lip Prints.)
3. Face Feeler
When you see a moisturizer on the store shelves that claims it will give you the softest skin ever, do you wonder how they know that's true? A professional face feeler makes the call. Women volunteer to use products, and face feelers periodically, well, feel their faces to determine how the products are working. Also known as "sensory scientists," face feelers generally go through some form of training before getting hired. In the U.S., consulting companies and universities, like UC Davis, offer training seminars and courses, while the Society of Sensory Professionals serves as a community forum for sensory science professionals.
4. Professional Cuddler
There's nothing better than inching up next to your sweetie for a good cuddle. But what if you don't have someone in your life to spoon? Enter the professional cuddler. They literally get paid to snuggle—roughly $120 per hour.
5. TV Corpse
Acting is hard. But playing a corpse? Well, that's a bit easier. And with all the cop dramas on TV these days, there's a whole lot of need for people who want to spend the day lying around playing dead.
6. Water Sommelier
It's not uncommon for restaurants to hire sommeliers to help their guests pair the best glasses of vino with their dinner selections. But these days wine isn't the only special drink in town. At Los Angeles's Ray's and Stark Bar, there's a 45-page water menu expertly crafted by the eatery's water sommelier. And yes, you can get certified—internationally at the German Mineral Water Association, and in the U.S., Capjem Consulting, a culinary science research and development firm, offers a certification.
7. Baby Wrangler
Ah, kids. So cute, loveable—and darn difficult to keep in line. But that's just what a baby/child wrangler does on photo shoots, TV and film sets, and backstage at the theater. They're also there to make sure the kids are comfortable and happy—and serve as a buffer between the parents and the production crew. Fun fact: Wranglers often fall into the job after entering the photography, film or theater industries as assistants or stage managers.
8. Fortune Cookie Writer
You will get paid to predict the future. Or at least to write witty one-liners that will get stuffed into sweet, crunchy cookies. The CEO of fortune cookie producer Wonton Food, Inc. told The Boston Globe that the company periodically hires freelance writers to come up with new sayings to add to its extensive archive of fortunes.
9. Moirologist (a.k.a. Professional Mourner)
Moirologists are paid to attend funeral services and mourn the deceased. Some will even pen a eulogy for a fee. The practice has historical roots; today the occupation is found mostly in parts of Asia and the Mediterranean.
10. Culinary Trendologist
/There's a reason your favorite restaurant chain added roast beef (or avocado, or chutney) to its menu—a culinary trendologist told them to. These foodie fortune tellers keep an eye on food news, blogs, social media and published recipes to determine which foods will be all the rage days, weeks and months from now so their clients can get on the hot food train before it leaves the station.

src cosmo


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