City Versus Rural Lifestyle

Expert Author Lance Winslow
As a non-city dweller by choice, I am always bothered by those who tell us that living in the city are more convenient, more efficient, and a better way to run human society. It's none of those things. Let me explain my thesis and some of the critique I have for this push to move people into the city - I think that is a disaster waiting to happen for humankind.
Let me list a few items of note as we get started because this will help you jump out of the mindset you've been led to believe by so-called experts of the human endeavor - folks like the socialist elite, technolocrats, futurists, UN Agenda 21 folks, and big government crowd.
1.) Diseases and Viruses Spread Faster In High Density
2.) The noise in the city is bad for your health
3.) There is more pollution in the city
4.) Like rats humans exhibit bizarre behavior the higher the density
5.) The pace of life creates too much stress on humans
6.) Cities suck up the resources from outside to ensure their existence
7.) Large Cities are huge money pits.
Now for the opposition to my hypothesis, perhaps an interesting a couple of multimedia references; there was an interesting article in Scientific Mind, Winter 2013 Issue, titled "Bigger Cities Do More With Less - New Science Reveals Why Cities Become More Creative and Efficient As They Grow," by Luis M.A. Benttencourt and Geoffrey B. West. I watched an interesting YouTube Vide on 'The Big Think' titled; "Move to the City, Learn Faster," by John Hagel.
Now then, I'd like to recommend that you listen to a YouTube video titled; " Cities Now Home to More Than Half of All People," by Broadcaster VOA (Voice of America) and as you are listening consider the implications on this.
Now then, here are my thoughts on it; yes, but has it occurred to anyone that the cities are sucking the wealth from the rural areas and those flows have a trade deficit making rural areas a tougher place to live. Thus, people move to the city, but consider this, can the cities maintain themselves as their income flows from all the rural areas dry up? I hereby question the entire Agenda 21 concept from top to bottom. I've seen the trend in the US too, I've been to every city in the US over a 7-year period, the cities are not as hospitable as proclaimed, and the quality of life just isn't as wonderful as purported.
The UN globalists, socialists, technocrats and elitists have some explaining to do to all of humanity with regards to all the unintended consequences. There is much more to be discussed for any legitimate fix to the challenges with our large cities, continued urbanization isn't a fix, it's more akin to blowing up more metro bubbles such as Detroit and Chicago for instance.
Even large FED (Federal Reserve Bank) cities with massive new money flows (study up on money creation theory) never have enough money, they always need more. Thus, taxes on others from the outside are disproportionately diverted and redistributed for city infrastructure projects. In San Francisco, they even have the audacity to ship their homeless up the coast to Eureka, CA by bus telling people that there is a lower cost of living there so you can have a better quality of life. Really, that's their answer?
Public employee unions in the city also take their toll, and many cities are literally bankrupt if you consider their future healthcare benefits and pension costs - all those legacy costs for things they promised. Our large cities never have enough money for new infrastructure projects or upkeep of that which they've already built and are obligated to maintain. If you care to debate this topic, shoot me an email, just make sure you are willing to deal in facts, not passion based wishful thinking. Until then, please consider all this and think on it.
Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;
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