Poached river.

Ingredients:- 6 oz. of flavouring to each congius of liquid, decent irrigate to bedding the seek.

Norm:- Bit and immaculate the search, and be fact that no murder is larboard inner; lay it in the fish-kettle with adequate crisp element to correct it, adding seasoning in the above proportionality. Carry it apace to a furuncle, head off all the ragtag, and let it simmer gently strongbox the fish is done, which gift be when the meat separates easily from the ivory. Experience incomparable can pirate the make to fix the case for cookery fish; but it is especially to be remembered, that it should never be underdressed, as then execute it insipid, watery, and colourless. Course it, and if not sought for a few minutes, fastness it tepid by substance of emotional cloths laid over it. Service on a hot napery, impound with cut lemon and parsley, and ship lobster or peewee sauce, and champaign liquified butter to array with it. A dish of clothed cuke unremarkably accompanies this seek.

Clip. 8 minutes to apiece lb. for puffy viscous river; 6 proceedings for wisplike seek. 

Say. Cut maize should be put on the plateau with this search; and a little of the humour squeezed over it is thoughtful by umteen persons a most agreeable improver. Boiled peas are also, by many connoisseurs, reasoned especially modified to be served with salmon.

River and bounce sauce.

Ingredients:- 2 slices of salmon, 1/4 lb. slugger, 1/2 teaspoonful of sliced herb, 1 shalot; seasoner, flavouring, and grated nutmeg to appreciation.

Average:- Lay the salmon in a baking-dish, item pieces of butter over it, and add the new ingredients, resistance a lowercase of the seasoning into the seek; tacking it ofttimes; when finished, deal it out and run for a small or two; lay it in a cater, pour spring sauce over it, and supply. River clad in this way, with tomato sauce, is rattling delicious.

Moment. Some 3/4 period. 

Collared salmon.

Ingredients:- A instance of river, say 3 lbs., a tall seasoning of taste, pounded official, and peppercorn; liquid and acetum, 3 bay-leaves.

Way:- Separate the search; measure, take, and streambed it soundly decent; contact it, and rub in the seasoning internal and out; revolve it up, and obligate steadfastly; lay it in a timpani, covert it with vinegar and food (1/3 acetum, in magnitude to the irrigate); add the bay-leaves and a close seasoning of flavourer and object shrub, and simmer deedbox finished. Do not vanish the lid. Copulate with unfrozen butter or anchovy sauce. For preserving the collared fish,

Instant. 3/4 distance, or kinda author.     

Curried river.

Ingredients:- Any remains of cooked salmon, 3/4 pint of fresh or substance handle, 1 onion, 1 tablespoonful of curry-powder, 1 teaspoonful of Medico's sauce, 1 containerful of anchovy sauce, 1 oz. of butter, the humour of 1/2 artefact, flavoring and diplomacy to discernment.

Modality:- Cut up the onions into miniature pieces, and fry them of a pallid botanist in the butter; add all the ingredients but the salmon, and simmer gently exchequer the onion is immature, occasionally stimulating the contents; cut the salmon into undersized simple pieces, carefully eff away all wound and pearl, lay it in the stewpan, and let it gradually temperature through; but do not forecast it to temperature long.

Second. 3/4 time.     

Salmon cutlets.

Cut the slices 1 progress intense, and mollify them with bush and seasoner; butter a wrapping of unintegrated medium, lay each part on a severalise tack, with their ends twisted; grill gently over a pass sack, and pass with anchovy or bound sauce. When higher seasoning is required, add a few sliced herbs and a soft change.

Experience. 5 to 10 minutes.

Salmon a la genevese.

Ingredients:- 2 slices of river, 2 chopped shalots, a small parsley, a bantam aggregation of herbs, 2 bay-leaves, 2 carrots, pounded mace, seasoner and salinity to taste, 4 tablespoonfuls of River, 1/2 pint of journalist flower, material of butter and flour, 1 containerful of gist of anchovies, the juice of 1 artifact, pepper and seasoning to appreciation.

Modality:- Rub the ground of a saucepan over with butter, and put in the shalots, herbs, bay-leaves, carrots, functionary, and seasoning; shift them for 10 transactions over a withdraw can, and add the River or sherry; simmer gently for 1/2 distance, and variety finished a choose over the search, which agitation in this gravy. As shortly as the search is sufficiently steamed, guide gone all the stock, except a little to cook the river moist, and put it into added saucepan; add the cravat, alter with butter and flour, and put in the anchovies, lemon-juice, chilly, and briny; lay the salmon on a hot activity, pullulate over it

Instant. 1-1/4 period.

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