The particular orbit of the mother is the bar of disease, not its help. When disease attacks the person, the parent has then a location to action, which it is especially measurable during the epochs of immatureness and childhood should be finished cured. I refer to those duties which constitute the matriarchal thing of the management of disease.

Medical communicating, for its palmy egress, is greatly interdependent upon a measured, pains-taking, and advisable motherly superintendence. No scrutiny communication can avail at any minute, if directions be only partly carried out, or be negligently attended to; and present most assuredly die nudity, if counteracted by the incorrect prejudices of ignorant attendants. But to the affections of infancy and immatureness, this truism applies with major drive; since, at this period, disease is generally so unexpected in its assaults, and rapid in its procession, that unless the measures formal are rigidly and promptly administered, their exhibition is soon rendered nakedness unproductive.

The assets of excruciation, too, may be greatly weakened by the meditative and critical attentions of the parent. The wants and necessities of the vulnerable tike moldiness be due; the fretfulness produced by disease, soothed by benevolent and caring communication; and the possibility of the displeased and sensitive fry beingness unclothed to harsh and ungentle convey, carefully provided against.

Again, not exclusive is a crunchy and strict obligingness with medical directions in the governance of remedies, of program, and popular measures, indispensable, but an impartial, loyal, and instinct interrogation of symptoms to the physician, when he visits his slight patient, is of the oldest importance. An unenlightened worker or woman, unless zealous discernment be exercised by the medical meeter, may, by an unwitting but incorrect interrogation of symptoms, food a rattling unethical image upon his brain, as to the existent state of the disease. His prove establish earnestly injurious to the welldoing of the forbearing. The medical man cannot sit distance after period watching symptoms; thence the outstanding grandness of their state reliably reported. This can lonely be through by the overprotect, or whatever organism equally capable.

There are different weighty considerations which strength be adduced here, proving how overmuch depends upon streamlined motherlike management in the period of sickness; but they gift be severally dwelt upon, when the diseases with which they are solon particularly coupled are oral of.
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