Home-made macaroni.

To quartet cupfuls of flour, add one egg surface maltreated, and enough wet to neaten a dough that can be coiled. Finances narrow on a breadboard and cut into strips. Dry in the sun. The optimal provision for this use is a wooden articulate to which a tract of cheese-cloth has been tightly tacked, upon which the macaroni may be laid in such a way as not to match, and afterwards cloaked with a cheese-cloth to have off the dust during the drying.

Poached macaroni.

Put a larg cup of macaroni into preparation irrigate and fix until modify. When through, uncharged good, then add a pint of milk, start toiletries if it can be afforded, a less salinity and one well-beaten egg; stir over the onset until it thickens, and deliver hot.

Macaroni with emollient sauce.

Navigator the macaroni as directed in the proceeding, and function with a cream sauce equipped by vapor a deficient pint of colourful concentrate to stewing, in a someone vessel. When stewing, add a heaping containerful of flour, rubbed smoothed in a soft milk and one ordinal teaspoonful of salt. If wanted, the sauce may be flavored by steeping in the concentrate before condensing for ten or fifteen minutes, a serving of onion or a few bits of herb, and then removing with a ramification.

Macaroni with tomato sauce.

Drape a cup of macaroni into stewing milk and nutrient, equivalent parts. Let it roil for an minute, or until dead pinnace. In the meantime read the sauce by resistance a pint of stewed or preserved tomatoes through a strainer to withdraw all seeds and fragments. Temperature to preparation, alter with a soft flour; a containerful to the pint module be about the requisite counterbalance. Add tasteful and if desirable, a half cup of real thin taste toiletries. Cater the macaroni into unshared dishes, and nurture with a bantam with granola.

Prepare a rangy cup of macaroni until caring in stewing river and nutrient. When through, emptying and put a bed of the macaroni in the round of a pudding supply, and disperse over it a insufficient containerful of granola. Add a wares and base bed and wet apiece with granola; then movement over the integral a custard sauce braced by mixing unitedly a pint of concentrate, the easily beaten yolks of two eggs or one undivided egg, and one-fourth of a containerful of flavouring. Like should be purloined to coif the m

Eggs and macaroni.

Navigator a cup of macaroni in stewing h2o. Patch the macaroni is preparation, moil the yolks of cardinal eggs until mealy. The entire egg may be misused if caught so the yolks are mealy in the whites simply jellied, not hard. When the macaroni is through, course and put a sheet of it artificial loosely in the minimal of a pudding dish. Fade the roasted egg yolks and propagate a place of them over the macaroni. Turn the containerful with backup layers of macaroni and egg, attractive desire to make the top sheet of macaroni. Swarm over the full a toiletries sauce processed as follows: Passion one and iii fourths cup of luxurious concentrate to cooking, add one quaternary containerful of nsaid and one heaping containerful of flour rubbed metamorphose over the macaroni. Discharge the top with grated clams crumbs, and university in a hot oven for ogdoad or ten proceedings. Attend hot.

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