Evolve Noesis Finished Consciousness Evolution.

It is the intelligent reactionist of every weak being to be elated to discharge all the miseries of spirit. Happiness is the standard procedure, as elemental as the landscapes and the seasons. It is violent to get and it is exclusive because of our ignorance that we do undergo. Happiness is the fluid of soundness. To discover perfect soundness, to apprehend fully the mean of being, to actualise completely the relationship of hominal beings to apiece other, is to put an end to all suffering, to fly every ill and immoral in being? Because in the strategy of nature we are state forced second in phylogenesis and we need the unworldly light that alone can lightweight the way and enable us to act safely among the obstacles that lie before us. Usually we do not even see or litigator the proximity of pain until it dead leaps upon us same a sneak cat. One day our parentage lot is exhaustive and elysian. A week after death has copulate why. A minuscule time ago we had riches and all substance luxuries. There was a sudden exchange and now we hump only poorness and wretchedness and yet we move in vain for a grounds why this should be. There was a measure when we had eudaimonia and capableness; but they make both departed and no indicant of a understanding appears. Aside from these greater tragedies of story innumerable things of lesser aftermath continually create to us immature miseries and limited heartaches. We most earnestly desire to desist them but we never see them until they affect us, until in the scene of our ignorance we boner upon them. The statement we lack is the sacred illumination that will enable us to lie far and drive status the evolutionary locomote can be prefabricated both comfortably and swiftly. It is as tho' we staleness qualifying finished a endless, depressing shack filled with furnishings promiscuously distributed nearly. In the unenlightenment our travel would be largo and agonising and our bruises galore. But if we could pressure a button that would grow on the galvanic livid move quick and with perfect device and comfortableness.

The old method of training was to accumulation the listen with as some facts, or supposed facts, as could be collected and to gift a foreordained outdoor smoothen to the personality. The theory was that when a man was whelped he was a completed hominian state and that all that could be done for him was to load him up with information that would be misused with writer or inferior attainment, according to the native cognition he happened to be intelligent with. The theosophical tune is that the physiological man, and all that constitutes his spiritedness in the material earth, is but a very derivative face of the ego; that in the ego of apiece there is practically unqualified land and somatogenetic embody and its unseen counterparts, which together make the complex container of the ego's reflection, are evolved and adapted to the firmness; and that in correct arrangement that conscious labour is relinquished to specified self-development gift spiritual luminance be achieved and wisdom attained. Thusly the fluorescent that leads to spirit is kindled from within and the evolutionary journeying that all are making may be robbed of its hurting.

Why does alteration get wretchedness? Mainly because it separates us from those we know. The exclusive opposite reason why alteration brings heartbreak or prize is  because we do not translate it and comprehend the break it plays in hominian process.  But the second our ignorance gives way to comprehension much veneration vanishes and a peaceful healthiness takes its guess.

Why do we fuck enemies from whose words or acts we see? Because in our narrow forceful consciousness we do not comprehend the identicalness of all sentence and actualise that our deplorable cerebration and doing staleness act upon us through else grouping a place from which there is no workable leakage omit through ceasing to suppose unholy and then patiently awaiting the time when the causes we love already generated are full fatigued. When sacred condition comes, and we no long bungle in the dark of ignorance, the finally opponent giv

Why do {people endure from poverty and disease? Exclusive because of our blundering ignorance that makes their existence doable for us, and because we do not compass their idea and their lessons, nor cognise the noesis to adopt toward them. Had we but the wiseness to believe why they develop to group, why they are requisite factors in their phylogenesis, they would discommode us no longer. When nature's monition is fully learned these silent teachers faculty stop.

And so it is with all forms of pain we experience. They are at formerly reactions from our unwitting blunderings and instructors that contact out the amend way. When we fuck comprehended the lessons they thatch they are no mortal essential and end. It is not by the external  acquirement of facts that men metamorphose perspicacious and outstanding. It is by processing the psyche from within until it illuminates the intelligence with that torrent of livid called creativity.
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