Top Features:
Super-strength encryption using AES 128, AES 256, Twofish 256 and 448-bit Blowfish.
Hides, locks and encrypts documents, spreadsheets, photos, videos and anything else.
Perfect for USB memory sticks and portable media which is easily lost or stolen.
Unlimited number of private storage vaults as large as 2,000 Gigabytes each.
Virtual smartcard option uses USB memory sticks to store and auto-type passwords.
System tray icon provides one-click access to all of your protected files.
Graphical password strength meter helps you choose strong passwords.
Password dictionary warns you when attempting to choose a weak password.
Expand private storage vaults and change passwords as often as desired.
Activity monitor automatically suspends access to open files on timeouts or hibernation.
Lightning fast. Does not degrade performance. Fully-integrated with Windows and Explorer.
Compatible with Microsoft Office, QuickBooks and all of your other favorite applications.
Completely transparent to the way you work. No need to change your habbits.
Incredibly easy to use, even for first-time computer users.
Whats New:
Added support for latest version of AccessSmart smartcards.
Added support for latest version of Sphinx smartcards.
Added new smartcard support for Identive ConCERTO.
Minor internal changes.
Text and documentation adjustments to indicate support for Windows 8.
1. Unpack and install
2. Use given serial to register
3. Done.
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Super-strength encryption using AES 128, AES 256, Twofish 256 and 448-bit Blowfish.
Hides, locks and encrypts documents, spreadsheets, photos, videos and anything else.
Perfect for USB memory sticks and portable media which is easily lost or stolen.
Unlimited number of private storage vaults as large as 2,000 Gigabytes each.
Virtual smartcard option uses USB memory sticks to store and auto-type passwords.
System tray icon provides one-click access to all of your protected files.
Graphical password strength meter helps you choose strong passwords.
Password dictionary warns you when attempting to choose a weak password.
Expand private storage vaults and change passwords as often as desired.
Activity monitor automatically suspends access to open files on timeouts or hibernation.
Lightning fast. Does not degrade performance. Fully-integrated with Windows and Explorer.
Compatible with Microsoft Office, QuickBooks and all of your other favorite applications.
Completely transparent to the way you work. No need to change your habbits.
Incredibly easy to use, even for first-time computer users.
Whats New:
Added support for latest version of AccessSmart smartcards.
Added support for latest version of Sphinx smartcards.
Added new smartcard support for Identive ConCERTO.
Minor internal changes.
Text and documentation adjustments to indicate support for Windows 8.
1. Unpack and install
2. Use given serial to register
3. Done.
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