The photographer took them while on a break from shooting a wedding, no less.
Before heading to a wedding she was supposed to shoot, photographer Mariah Dagupion
stopped at the beach. While she was there, she noticed a man getting on
one knee and proposing to his girlfriend. Instinctively, Dagupion
whipped out her camera and captured the proposal [via The Huffington Post].
later did she realize she had no idea who the couple was. Thankfully,
we have the Internet for these things. Through social media, Dagupion
was able to get the couple the pictures.
Susan Schrank, 25, the woman in the photos, was beyond ecstatic for
Dagupion's photo-Spidey sense: "As a girl," Schrank said, "you kind of
think about what these things would be like. It was really amazing to
get pictures like the ones [Dagupion] took. She got my perfect
reactions. I was feeling all the emotions you can see on my face." See
some of the shots below:

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