Surviving on junior paychecks can be tough, but there are definitely ways to save some money. Get more money-saving tips at Cosmo's Fun Fearless Life. Buy your tickets now at
1. Make coffee at home or work. Your daily trip to Starbucks could be killing your bank account. Instead of spending $5 a day on a pumpkin spice latte, make coffee at the office for free. Not an option? Opt to make it at home, before you leave the house.
2. Pack your lunch. Go grocery shopping on Sundays, and prepare your meals for the week. Packing your lunch can save you a ton of money and keep you eating healthy. Tip: Try out these quick and easy meals you can make with the stuff you already have around your house.
3. Optimize transportation. If you live in a city with great public transportation, buy a monthly metro pass to cut costs. If you don't have access to efficient public transportation, carpool with coworkers who live nearby. The latter will give you the chance to catch up on all the office gossip.
4. Attend the city's free events. Saving money means that you shouldn't be blowing big bucks on Beyoncé concerts and football games, but you can attend the community's gratis events. Look up free museum days, charity concerts, and outdoor films. Tip: Frequent or hit up your municipal tourism website.
5. Network at happy hour. Meeting people over drinks is a great way to grow your social circle and solidify relationships with your peers, but that doesn't mean splurging on $15 glasses of wine is OK! Take advantage of drink deals where you can. Tip: Use the Happy Houred app to find a range of happy hours near you.
6. Shop closet staples — on sale. Don't waste money on über-trendy pieces that won't be stylish in a year. Instead, opt for staples that will stand the test of time. If you're an online shopper, check for markdowns on Monday mornings. If you like to shop in store, never pass up a sale rack!
7. ~Netflix~. Cut the cable out! Depending on how many roommates you have, cable bills can be upward of $100 per month. With Netflix, you can watch nearly every network show you desire for under $10 a month. You can also sign up for Hulu Plus at $8 a month.
8. Keep a budget journal. Keeping a journal will force you to pay detailed attention to your spending habits, prevent you from spending beyond your means, teach you where you can save some extra cash, and make you feel like a ~*gRoWn Up*~. Tip: If you're not up for an old-fashion journal, try an app like Level Money.
9. Shack up with roommates. Living alone on an entry-level salary isn't ideal. Find a few roommates that you can split rent with to take some serious stress off your finances. Plus, you'll have awesome roomies to attend free events, happy hours, and seasonal sales with.
10. Two words: cheap wine. No further explanation required.
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