Technology Got Your Head Spinning?

Expert Author Tracey D'Aviero
Working online is awesome, because we have so many tools at our fingertips. And things change so rapidly that there is always something new coming along that can help make our business bigger, better, and more productive. But because we are 'plugged in' we have instant access to that new tool! Exciting right? Actually, not always!
It is so easy to get distracted or even confused about what the best technology is - for pretty much anything. It can be hard to keep up with what already exists out there, let alone trying to stay ahead of the curve.
So what's a gal to do?
My best advice is to go with your best plan now, but always be on the lookout for change.
Just because you are using a shopping cart, an email program, or a project management system that is working for you and your clients now, doesn't mean that something better is not going to come along.
And by the same token, it doesn't mean that something that comes along will be better than what you are using now.
The key is to regularly keep on top of your industry trends, and it's actually pretty easy to do that.
One day a week, take a few minutes to Google the techie systems you are using to see what people are saying. Shiny Object Syndrome (oooh, pretty!) is something you want to stay away from, but by scheduling time to regularly check out what's going on with the stuff you are using, you can usually ward that off. If you do find something pertinent outside of your scheduled 'trend' time, Evernote it or bookmark it so you can refer to it later!
When you do come upon something that looks like it might be relevant for you, don't be tempted to do the research yourself right away. Start by reaching out to someone who is already using the new technology to find out their review on it. Signing up for the dreaded 'free trial' just to check it out is not recommended! It's much simpler just to ask someone who is using it what their opinion is and then continue your research from there.
Then, if you decide it looks test-worthy, go ahead and try it out.
Things change so quickly in the online world that you could give yourself a full time job just trying to keep up. By keeping an eye on your industry trends regularly, you can keep your eyes on what's happening around you without getting distracted by things that may not even be relevant for you or your clients.
You also want to keep informed about your current systems and what they are doing to grow. If you are using an online system that has been the same for several years, chances are they are not staying current with the trends. Be sure to follow the companies whose services you use on social media, so that you can keep up with what they are saying and with what other people are saying as well. Change is good, in moderation!
And if you do decide to make a change, plan that too. Set up a transition timeline so that you can best roll out the new system, or allow for training or getting accustomed to your new way of doing things. Rushing is never recommended, and the research and reviews from others really come in handy at that stage.
Staying informed about what's going on around you online is the best way to be sure that you aren't missing out on something new - and also that your current services are working for you and your clients. Keep on top it and have fun with your research!
Tracey D'Aviero is a veteran VA and Founder of Your VA Mentor. Tracey trains and mentors professional women and men who are brand new to the VA industry or who have been struggling to make their business successful. Her mission is to educate professionals on how to build and grow successful and profitable virtual businesses in the VA industry by implementing systems and smart principles. To get information about Tracey's upcoming programs and free resources, visit: Your VA Mentor Events.
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