Stretch Away Stress in 10 Minutes

Try these 5 yoga poses to feel better fast

By Woman's Day Staff

yoga class

Quick, Calming Workout

Yoga has been shown to lower anxiety levels and blood pressure, making it a truly heart-friendly exercise. Run through this feel-good routine four times in a row for a mind and body boost. If you're new to yoga, it's a good idea to take a few classes to learn correct form. Go to to locate lessons in your area.

30 SEC: Tree pose

Stand with left heel touching right ankle. Bring hands into prayer position in front of chest, then extend arms straight up on either side of head, palms facing. Hold. (If you have a heart condition, avoid raising arms overhead.)

15 SEC: Fierce hold

Stand with legs together and feet touching. Sink hips back as if you're about to sit, bringing arms straight up above you next to your ears. Hold. (If you have a heart condition, extend arms in front of you instead.)

1 MIN: Bird dog

Start on hands and knees with back straight and abs pulled in. Lift left arm up until it is parallel to floor while straightening and lifting right leg so it's also parallel to floor. Hold for one beat, then lower to start position and repeat on other side. Continue switching legs.

30 SEC: Bridge

Lie on your back with knees bent directly over heels. Place arms at sides, then press feet into the floor as you lift hips. Slightly squeeze buttocks and press arms into floor for support. Hold.

15 SEC: Cobra

Lie face down with legs straight, tops of feet on floor and palms flat on the floor. Lift your chest, keeping hands under your shoulders and upper body relaxed. Hold.
SOURCE: Mala Cunningham, PhD, founder, Cardiac Medical Yoga. All moves demonstrated by health editor Rachel Morris.

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